Strengthen your website security with proven best practices

Just like a safe, no website is entirely impenetrable. However, taking strong preventive measures can make it much harder for hackers to breach your site. Here we’ll outline some essential practices to secure your WordPress website effectively.
October 22, 2024
Strengthen your website security with proven best practices
WordPress powers over 40% of all websites, making it a prime target for cyber attacks. These attacks can happen for various reasons, not necessarily because a specific business is being targeted but often because of detected vulnerabilities. Hackers might use compromised sites to send spam, steal data, or redirect visitors for fraudulent purposes. Let’s explore how you can protect your site.

Best practices for WordPress security

Before diving into specific security measures, it’s crucial to understand that the foundation of WordPress security begins with choosing the right hosting environment and maintaining diligent practices. Here, we will guide you through the key steps to fortify your website against common threats and ensure it remains safe and secure.

1. Reliable hosting

Choose a hosting provider known for strong security measures. Your hosting package should include an SSL certificate to encrypt data transferred between users and your site.

2. Strong user credentials

Avoid using ‘admin’ as a username. Implement strong passwords for all accounts and create individual user accounts instead of sharing credentials. Restrict user permissions based on their role to minimize risks.

3. Regular updates and maintenance

Keep your WordPress core, themes, and plugins up to date. Outdated software is one of the most common ways hackers infiltrate websites.

4. Use of quality themes and plugins

Install themes and plugins from reputable sources only. Using nulled scripts can introduce malicious code to your site, creating security vulnerabilities.

5. Limit login attempts

Restricting the number of login attempts can prevent brute force attacks, where hackers try many passwords to gain access.

6. Change the default login URL

Customize the login URL from the default ‘wp-admin’ to something unique, reducing the chance of unauthorized access.

7. Regular backups

Maintain regular backups of your website. Use both on-site and off-site backup solutions to ensure you can quickly restore your site in case of a breach.

8. Delete unused plugins and themes

Inactive themes and plugins can still pose security risks. Delete any that you’re not using to keep your site streamlined and secure.

9. Implement security plugin

Consider security plugins that enforce good practices and actively block potential threats.

Key Takeaways

Securing your WordPress site is an ongoing process that requires regular attention and maintenance. By implementing these best practices, you can significantly enhance your site’s security and protect your business from potential threats. If you’re uncertain about handling these security measures yourself, consider reaching out to professionals like us at Strumark.

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